Cleaning in cleanrooms and sterile environments
Into cleanroom environment, hygiene, and ordinary maintenance and keeping are a crucial point in the conservation of their degree of cleanliness, which remains a determining factor that can be implemented with an adequate line of equipment and products that are easy to use. Articles for decontamination of the productive and working environment, cleaning of floors, walls, etc. An integrated manual cleaning system includes a complete line of products, starting from cleanroom trolleys, stainless steel or plastic, with several ergonomic compartments. Mops and wipes to complete the line.
Ideal for use into:
- Clenarooms;
- Pharmaceutical and Biotech;
- Automotive Industry;
- Labs and R&D department;
- Medical; Hospitals;
- Microelectronics and Semisonductor tech;
- Fine Mechanics and precisione, Optical;
- Aerospace;