E.P.A zone access. Electronic

This is a case where customer was searching for more shoe cleanliness when acceding to an E.P.A. zone through on a test control of ESD individual protections.

E.P.A. zones in an electronic lab.

In this case, the client requested EPA zones in a laboratory located in a modern office building.

Access for operators and products to an E.P.A. zone. Electronics

The needs to control and minimize dust and powder residues inside an E.P.A. zome suggested the realization of a wide zone (approximately 4×4m) with contamination control mat.

Protection against dusts and static charges inside the Data Centres.

Inside the Data Centers it is necessary to have an electrostatically neutral environment that minimizes in first place tuncontrlled static charges nad last but not least the accumulation / attracio

Contamination control to E.P.A. access zones. Electronics

Target in this case is to control and minimize the viable dust and dirty contamination when accessing and EPA zone.


After the realization of two separates E.P.A area with ESD tile flooring, the customer needed to protect the accesses from powder, dust and dirt to enter and contaminate