BeamSight™ Gas Remote Analyzer

Detect and analyze gases remotely in fixed installations or battery-powered portable applications.
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The BM-V-2 BeamSight is a compact and innovative tool for remote analysis of gases. Unlike traditional analyzers, the BM-V-2 BeamSight provides true stand-off detection schemes, capable of analyzing gas concentrations from a large distance. The analyzer is based on the Beamonics proprietary Remote TDLAS platform and is inherently both calibration-free and of low-maintenance. Additionally, the analyzer does not suffer from sensor-poisoning effects and can continuously measure the entire range from very low background level concentrations up to atmospheric saturation levels.


  • Remote stand-off analysis of gases
  • Quantification of gases in real time
  • Portable or stationary configurations
  • Detection range: 30 m or 100 m with reflector
  • Integrated battery powered or externally powered
  • Weight: 0.7 kg (fixed) – 1.0 kg (battery powered)