ESD Combo tester and data logger CT-8900
ESD Combo Tester for both shoes and wristband with software
The CT-8900 individually and simultaneously tests, prints, stores, and e-mails each wrist strap and heel grounder resisitivity value in less than 3 seconds. Used at manufacturing companies internationally and domestically, it offers adjustable limits, exact resisitivity readings, unique report generation groups, versatile networking options, an expandable employee log of 30,000 and is foolproof. It accepts magnetic stripe, barcode, Motorola, Indala , HID, HID iClass, Casi-Rusco, AWID etc. ID cards as well as keyboard entry. Complete with user-friendly software, this unit is the most accurate and thorough combination-data logger available on the market. Ideal for EOS 20/20 class zero and RoHS specified areas.
- Test Wrist band and shoes each separate foot
- Including software for data colletion
- Inox dual metal foot plate (2 × 15.2 cm x 35.6 cm) / 1.00 kg
- Dimensions instrument only 9,5 cm x 15,24 cm x 3,8cm / 0.3kg