E.P.A. clean environment access tunnel

In order to prevent dust and dirty contamination inside the brand new and large E.P.A. area was necessary to install a contamination contol mat zone .

Access for forklifts with heavy dirt. Mineral water plant

In this case the customer needed an invisible barrier for coarse dirt, tendentially dry, but which could also absorb any liquid residues (typically water based).

Acces to an E.P.A zone. Electronic ESD

In accessing critical E.P.A. (Electrostatic Protected Area) zones, cleaning the soles of ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) safety shoes is vital for a correct outcome of their antistatic test.

Wheels cleaning and dry up. Mechanics

In this case, the customer needed to set up a barrier to the conveyed dirt, both wet and dry, in an access for electric trolleys of different sizes and capacities.

Access to production and from offices. Cosmetics

In a facility from the 1960s/70s, the client was looking for a solution to contain contamination in various transitions between offices, production areas, and common areas without creating obstacle

Trolley wheels cleaning. Mechanical

The customer wanted to limit dirt on the production line.