For a comparison between “contamination control mat” and traditional “peel-off mat” has been considered an area of 2×3m., to allow the smooth passage of forklifts, both manual and electric traction. This process ensures surface for at least 3 left and right steps of an operator and the performance of 3 full turns of wheels or rollers. The mechanical strength of the mat resists the passage of forklifts and manual and electric traction (up to 90kg./cmq) thus avoiding the strong pull exerted that forklifts electriclly powered could “detach” from the floor mat of the entire mat with its inconveniences. Last but not the least is considered the anti-static properties of the mat that reduces triboelectric generation due to the passage of foot or wheels traffic with all the resulting benefits in terms of greater security for the entire work environment and operators involved.
Willing make a comparison between the cost of decontaminating ma and the cost that would support through the use of peel-off mats, but reaffirming ‘that a comparison is quite misleading, you should at least compare the same coverage of ‘area (6mq.) by precisely n. 8 mats (60×115cm) in blocks of 30 tears. It is clear that within 18 months approx., and depending on the cost of acquisition of peel-off mat on a daily basis of a single tear on a monthly basis, you should be to equalize the cost of the product. The break even point calculated this way in not effectively correct because since that moment on there would be no more cost for contaminating control mat and, if you only want to consider two typical daily tears of 2 shifts (morning and afternoon), you would be seen as the “break-even point” between the two products would be reduced drastically in favor of contaminating control mat.
The benefits arising from the use of “decontaminating mat washable” can be summarized as follows:
A) Increased efficiency and effectiveness of the decontaminating control mat vs. peel off mat. B) Reducing the real cost of the garrison itself, not only because the contamination control mat coating can be cleaned as often as you want (in the morning and after lunch, for example, etc. ..) without any extra cost while the peel-off mat is assessed on a one single dayly shift. C) Cost of acquisition, and that is if you actually went at once to acquire the entire quantity of peel-off mat to use along the entire year and that is approx. 15 cf or do you want to purchase a monthly, bimonthly, etc. … D) Disposal costs are hidden layers of waste of single layer “used” every single day. E) resulting from point D), more eco-friendly of the system itself: lower transport purchase, no storage space in the building, less disposal of protective packaging is the product of that “waste” to be disposed of properly after use.
From this brief analysis is seen as taking a little over a horizon of 12 months, the coating decontaminant wash proves far more convenient in many respects.