Access to E.P.A. zone, Automotive Electronic

Customer’s desire in this case was to prevent and protect the new ESD resin floor from scratches first and secondly to keep a good static drainage trough a retaiining and celaning action tog

Internal passages and accesses. Painting zone

In this case, inside the painting section, a strong dust and dirty preventing action was needed to prevent the cross-contamination of very fine colour powders.

E.P.A. clean environment access tunnel

In order to prevent dust and dirty contamination inside the brand new and large E.P.A. area was necessary to install a contamination contol mat zone .

Accessi per materiali e personale addetto. Farmaceutici

Tappeto decontaminante


Come funziona il rivestimento decontaminante lavabile
WZ Two short movies to show how the decontaminating mat works inside an airlock in a clean room environment

Electric truck once on the mat easily clean its wheels.