E.P.A. zones, SMT assembly lines and clean environments
Access to E.P.A. zone, Automotive ElectronicCustomer’s desire in this case was to prevent and protect the new ESD resin floor from scratches first and secondly to keep a good static drainage trough a retaiining and celaning action tog |
Laboratory access. SemiconductorThis customer, in order to limit and minimize the contamination conveyed by the shoes of the operators as welle as wheels of the trolleys in the access to the laboratory instaledd multiple LTE mats |
E.P.A. clean environment access tunnelIn order to prevent dust and dirty contamination inside the brand new and large E.P.A. area was necessary to install a contamination contol mat zone . |
Acces to an E.P.A zone. Electronic ESDIn accessing critical E.P.A. (Electrostatic Protected Area) zones, cleaning the soles of ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) safety shoes is vital for a correct outcome of their antistatic test. |
ESD test zone, wheel cleaning and outdoor access. ElectronicsAfter having found the dirt in the ESD Test area for shoes and bracelets, a washable decontamination mat was installed (Art. LTE) which offers two different but complementary results. |
Access to the E.P.A. ElectronicsAfter installing an ESD floor, the customer immediately realized the dirt that was conveyed within the EPA area by means of transport (pallet trucks and trolleys) as well as by the operators themse |
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